
Friday, July 17, 2009

Monthly OB appointments are over.

Today I went in for my very last monthly OB appointment. Starting now, I go every two weeks. This is the part where the pregnancy really starts to fly for me. I cannot believe I only have 5-7 scheduled appointments left for this pregnancy. How crazy!

Urine perfect.
Blood pressure at 128/72, making the systolic number much higher than usual. (My BP averages at 100/60-110-70.)
Currently at +9 lbs. For a gain of 3 lbs this month.
Bailey's heartbeat is 154 beats per minute.
Belly measuring at 28.5 centimeters, putting me perfectly where I should be.

My actually asked me if I was considering a permanent form of birth control after Bailey is born. Then suggested against it based on my age.
I told him, at 22 years old, I have no idea if I am done having children. I do know we won't be planning any for a long time.
Also, suggested I start discussing the baby with our pediatrician, figure out how he deals with methadone babies.

Also, I got the results from my glucose screening, which I had done on Monday. Of course, perfectly fine. I must be nuts to eat a crap load of sugar covered kix before going in. Oh well, its better than the box of lucky charms I had before I did the screening with Thomas, or the box of fruit snacks before I went for Collins. LMAO!

All in all very good appointment. Oh, and my OB made me feel so good about myself. Told me I look so much "healthier, lively-er, and happier than most women as far along as me. He cannot believe I am as miserably uncomfortable as I am based on how I deal with it.

I guess I will be posting a bit more often now.

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